Online Art School Oil Painting Award Gallery

We have many talented artists here, at the Online Art School, who have developed their painting skills with the help of our oil painting tutorials and challenging competitions.

Take a look at some of the past art school painting award entries that our students submitted. We are currently not holding any competitions.

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Contest is finished!
Title: Final Exam
Author: kb0eo
Votes: 4

Views: 1330
Description: I have completed 6 of the MJS online tutorials - my subscription ends shortly. I felt this would be a great opportunity to find out how much I learned on the MJS online school by "flying solo" on this painting. In effect, this is my "final exam" before moving on to other things. This is a 12 x 16 panel, painted with W&N Griffin Alkyds. I have been painting with oils for only 6 months - I owe all of my progress to Michael - what a great teaching system! I painted with acrylics for about one year prior to starting the online school. I became increasingly frustrated with skies and water and searched for a system that allowed better blending and more realism - I found Michael on YouTube and said to myself...."this looks like the ticket to success". I learned a lot and look forward to increasing my abilities with each painting.