How do you varnish your paintings?

I use a gloss picture varnish by Jackson’s. I prefer gloss varnish as I feel it brings out the details of the painting better. I always suggest using only artist quality materials for best results. Because I use Winsor and Newton Alkyd Fast Drying Oil Paint, Liquin and white spirit, and paint very thinly, I need only wait a week before I can varnish. However, regular oil paint using slower drying mediums and perhaps painted more thickly requires much longer, at six-months to one-year, and this can also be affected by temperature and humidity. It is important to remember that paint film dries from the inside out. It might appear dry to the touch and still be in the drying process. Re-touch varnish can be used to restore the colours and give some protection before the proper time to add a varnish. Typically, varnish is used to protect the paint film and can be later removed in future years if the painting appears to have become dirty. Then, the new varnish is applied to restore the new appearance and restore the protection again.